Verbaler Kreuzzug

Der französische Autor Pascal Bruckner beschreibt in seiner 2020 erschienenen Streitschrift antimuslimische Ressentiments als eine Fiktion. Der Begriff werde nur verwendet, um Kritik am Islam zu unterbinden. Alexandra Senfft nimmt sein Buch zum Anlass für einen Essay über die Widersprüche einer populären, aber wenig differenzierten Sicht auf Islam und Muslime. 12. Januar 2021
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The German model for America

The long and public reckoning that followed the Holocaust shows a path forward for a United States that desperately needs to confront its racist past.

“In her [Senfft’s] estimation, even now, the Nazis have been “othered,” as if the evil hadn’t taken root in Germans’ own families and neighborhoods. Those who did confront the crimes of their ancestors could not have been prepared for what that realization would feel like…
In American textbooks and schools and families, the same phenomenon that Senfft described of Nazism is true.”

By Mattie Khan,
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