Podcast — Die Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 18. Dezember 2020,
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Warum ist der Streit um Israel so einseitig?
Debatte Schubladen helfen beim Kampf gegen Antisemitismus nicht weiter. Das Gegenstück zum monolithischen Diskurs der Rechten muss Weltoffenheit heißen
der Freitag, Ausgabe 51/2020, 17. Dezember 2020
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Germans push back against anti-mask Nazi resistance comparisons
Opponents of Covid-19 restrictions embrace idea of fighting totalitarian German state
Derek Scally, The Irish Times, 23/11/2020
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The German model for America
The long and public reckoning that followed the Holocaust shows a path forward for a United States that desperately needs to confront its racist past.
“In her [Senfft’s] estimation, even now, the Nazis have been “othered,” as if the evil hadn’t taken root in Germans’ own families and neighborhoods. Those who did confront the crimes of their ancestors could not have been prepared for what that realization would feel like…
In American textbooks and schools and families, the same phenomenon that Senfft described of Nazism is true.”
By Mattie Khan, Vox.com
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In der Warteschleife
Nahostkonflikt Die Palästinenser hoffen, dass Joe Biden Impulse für neue Verhandlungen gibt. Doch auch intern gibt es jede Menge Reformbedarf
der Freitag Ausgabe 47, 19. November 2020
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Erbsünde und Versöhnung
Islamismus Pascal Bruckners „Der eingebildete Rassimus“ strotzt vor Klischees. Es ist das Potpourri eines gekränkten 68ers
der Freitag, Ausgabe 45, 5. November 2020
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Regierung auf Abruf
Israel Hunderttausende protestieren gegen den „Crime Minister“ Benjamin Netanjahu
der freitag Ausgabe 42/2020, 15. Oktober 2020
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Differenz wahrnehmen
Nach seinem Aufruf „Desintegriert euch!“ fordert der Theatermacher Max Czollek eine ehrliche „Gegenwartsbewältigung“
der freitag, Ausgabe 42/20, 15.10.2020
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Raus aus der Küche!
Biografie Die Journalistin Mely Kiyak beschreibt ihre Integration als Mensch, nicht als Gastarbeiterkind der Freitag, Ausgabe 39, 24. September 2020
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The Long Shadow of the Perpetrators
This article addresses the transgenerational consequences of the Second World War and the Holocaust for the descendants of the Nazi perpetrators and bystanders. Using the example of her own family, the author traces the external obstacles and the psychological difficulties arising from working through a legacy of crime, compounded by the fact that an atmosphere of taboos, silence and denial has persisted within German families – in spite of all the research and enlightenment in the academic and political spheres. The author argues that the patterns of feeling, thinking and action are often passed down when they are not scrutinised. Meaningful dialogues with the survivors and their descendants, as well as authentic remembrance, the author claims, can only take place if descendants of the victimisers break away from those generationally transmitted narratives which continue to evade the entire truth about the crimes committed by the Nazis and their accomplices in Europe.
European Judaism, Volume 53, September 2020
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