Was bedeutet es, Kind oder Enkel eines NS-Täters oder eines SS-Offiziers zu sein?
Jetzt kommen Nachfahren zu Wort. Für die Hamburger KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme steht die Erinnerung an das Leid der Nazi-Opfer im Mittelpunkt ihrer Arbeit – seit einigen Jahren interessiert sie sich aber auch für die Nachkommen der Täter. Die Forscher hoffen, von diesen mehr über die NS-Verbrecher zu erfahren. Der Leiter des Studienzentrums Neuengamme, Oliver von Wrochem, hat nun ein Buch herausgegeben, in dem eine Reihe von Kindern und Enkel der Täter zu Wort kommen.
mittelbayerische.de 03/ 04/16
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Nationalsozialistische Täterschaften
Großvaters Schweigen
Die Kriegsenkelgeneration stellt sich den Lasten ihrer Großeltern und verliert ihren unschuldigen Blick.
Neue Bücher von Sacha Batthyany und Naomi Schenck
»Ich denke, dass wir als Dritte Generation, die wir mehr zeitlichen und deshalb auch emotionalen Abstand haben, mehr Chancen haben, die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen«, sagt Alexandra Senfft, die 2007 in Schweigen tut weh als eine der ersten ihrer Generation über ihre Geschichte als Enkelin eines SA-Führers schrieb. Ihr neues Buch Der lange Schatten der Täter erscheint im Mai.
Freitag 10/03/2016
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Reichental named this year’s International Person of the Year
Holocaust survivor Tomi Reichental has been named this year’s International Person of the Year at an awards ceremony in Dublin. >>Ansehen
Close to Evil
Tomi Reichental, survivor of Bergan Belsen Nazi concentration camp tells his story.
RTE and Praxis Pictures
Ireland 2015
>> RTE Ireland
Hoffnung durch Musik
»Musik statt Straße« und der Dokumentarfilm »Nadeshda« schaffen Bewusstsein
für die intolerable Lage der Bewohner des bulgarischen Roma-Ghettos Nadeshda.
Neues im Freien, Magazin des Freien Musikzentrums München, Mai 2015
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Lizzie Doron: Dialog unter Beschuss
Lizzie Doron hat einen lebhaften, unterhaltsamen und nah an der Realität
angesiedelten Roman über das verminte Verhältnis zwischen Israelis und
Palästinensern geschrieben: »Who the fuck is Kafka?«
taz, 3. März 2015
>> pdf
I wanted reconciliation
«Embracing Alexandra Senfft, the granddaughter of the Nazi war criminal Hans Ludin who was implicated in sending 35 members of my family to death in the gas chambers, was not an act of forgiveness. Instead it was an embrace of a ‘kindred spirit’. Alexandra sought me out in order to demonstrate our common humanity. She wants to proclaim the truth and urge people not to forget.»
The Guardian 05/02/2015
>> more
A Rabbi’s Word, Kehila Newsletter
By Frank Dabba Smith, London
For German writer Alexandra Senfft, who spoke to Mosaic members and guests on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, 10th November 2014, there can be no such thing as a family secret.
Alexandra’s maternal grandfather was Hanns Elard Ludin who was born in 1905 in Freiburg, Germany and hanged for war crimes in 1947 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Ludin joined the Nazi party and the SA-storm troopers in 1931. Reputedly lucky to survive Hitler’s murderous purge against the SA in 1934, Ludin eventually became the German envoy to Slovakia. He may have been a diplomat by title but he was judged guilty of being directly involved in the deportation of some 70,000 Jews.
Alexandra’s family maintained the fiction that her grandfather was merely a decent civil servant despite his active membership in the NSDAP. This complicit silence was too much for Alexandra’s emotionally deprived mother Erika (1933-1998) who learned of her father’s execution while at boarding school at the vulnerable age of fourteen. Like other children of perpetrators, Erika died too young after decades of depression and alcoholism.
In her very respected book published in 2007, Schweigen tut weh: Eine deutsche Familiengeschichte (The Pain of Silence: A German Family History), Alexandra conveys her personal journey to discover the truth of her grandfather’s crimes and the subsequent silence that also destroyed her mother. Along the way, she lost relationships with both relations and friends. But she gained new and supportive friendships such as with the visionary Israeli psychology professor and filmmaker Dan Bar-on (1938-2008) who brought together descendants of Shoah victims and perpetrators. His passion was to overcome walls of silence and hostility.
Like Dan Bar-On, Alexandra is deeply involved with dialogue and conciliation. She is very aware of Rabbi Albert Friedlander’s words, ‘It’s not for me to forgive and I cannot forget; but we must live together anyway’. Her efforts also include peacemaking between Israelis and Palestinians and acknowledging the stories of the two traumatized sides of this conflict. In this regard, Professor Bar-On was an inspiration, too.
Those who attended Alexandra’s evening held in the packed HWPS sanctuary on Bessborough Road were deeply moved by her courage and vision. At the end of the evening, when I asked for members of the audience to join Alexandra in a photograph, the very first to volunteer was Hana Schlesinger, a child of Slovakian Jews who lost many relations in the Shoah. This was a precious moment of healing.
Alexandra Senfft with Holocaust survivor Tomi Reichental on Ireland’s RTE news
People of the Year Award
Alexandra Senfft accompanying Tomi Reichental to RTE (Ireland’s National Television)
«People of the Year Award», Dublin 6th December 2014, and commenting on his award
Tomi Reichental, one of only two holocaust survivors living in Ireland, has dedicated his time to speaking
about his experience in schools. He is presented with the International Person of the Year.
>> Video