Der englische Menschenrechtsanwalt Philippe Sands hat ein großartiges Buch geschrieben: ein fesselndes Familienmemoir, das die Geschichte von Tätern und Anklägern und die Geburtsstunde der internationalen Menschenrechte erzählt.
taz am Wochenende / 3. März 2018
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Archiv der Kategorie: Nationalsozialismus und Gegenwart
Nazi-era thinking never went away in Germany
Far-right populists are building on ideas that survived thanks to postwar silence.
The Irish Times, February 14, 2018
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How the children of Nazi Germany remember World War Two
A new book has gathered the memories of ‘Kriegskinder’, next to portraits of them as they are now. Photographer Frederike Helwig reveals how they remember childhoods in Nazi Germany. In her foreword, Senfft acknowledges how collective silence can infect wider groups. «Research … has shown that trauma and severe stress can be hereditary; that which is not dealt with can be passed on to the next generation.» And it leaches out beyond the family. «What is not brought to light and engaged with individually and within the family finds its way into society and politics.»
Antisemitismusdebatte: Verwirrung der Begriffe
Der Umgang mit der internationalen Bewegung BDS zeigt,
wie Israel-Kritik prompt zum Antisemitismus erklärt wird.
Der Freitag, 02/2018 >> Weiterlesen
Suppressed memories of war in Frederike Helwig’s Kriegskinder
»Everyone portrayed [in Kriegskinder] had the courage to face the camera and tell his
or her story, to literally show him- or herself as Kriegskind,« writes Senfft.
»Their narratives are predominantly anecdotal, with different levels of reflection.
Traumas or transgenerational effects are rarely talked about, mirroring the silence
that is common til today. The readers and viewers are therefore asked to read between
the lines, to look the protagonists in the eye.«
British Journal of Photography 12/2017
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Condemned to Remember
An Irish Holocaust survivor recalls the terror of the past and confronts the resurgence of the hatreds that turned Europe into a wasteland.
Genres Documentary
Director Gerry Gregg
Starring Tomi Reichental
Irish Film Board
Ireland 2017
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Alexandra Senfft, l’héritage du silence du Troisième Reich
Près de 70 ans après sa condamnation à mort et son exécution comme criminel de guerre, la mémoire de Hanns Ludin, ambassadeur du Troisième Reich en Slovaquie, continue à peser sur ses descendants. Alexandra Senfft, sa petite-fille, a brisé le déni familial.
La Croix, François d’Alançon, 14/08/2017
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Cemetery Spötting Landsberg am Lech © Maurice Weiss/Agentur Ostkreuz
Alexandra Senfft, l’héritage du silence
Près de soixante-dix ans après sa condamnation à mort et son exécution comme criminel de guerre, la mémoire de Hanns Ludin, ambassadeur du Troisième Reich en Slovaquie, continue à peser sur ses descendants. Alexandra Senfft, sa petite-fille, a brisé le déni familial.
La Croix, François d’Alançon, 14/08/2017
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21.Juin 2017, Allemagne, Landsberg am Lech, Baviere, Alexandra Senfft, auteur , photographier sur la cimetire de Spttingen, avec des tombes de la deuxime guerre mondiale Cemetery Spötting Landsberg am Lech © Maurice Weiss/Agentur Ostkreuz
Breaking the family legacy of silence over the Third Reich
Nearly 70 years after being executed as a war criminal, the memory of Third Reich ambassador to Slovakia, Hanns Ludin, continues to weigh on his descendants. His granddaughter Alexandra Senfft has broken the family silence.
La Croix, François d’Alançon, 14/08/2017
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